Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chaz had his knee surgery last Friday, thankfully that is past us and he is able to start rehabbing at the end of the week. It ended up being a little worse then they expected once they got in there but they were able to fix him up. Now his biggest challenge is his crutches, he isn't a big fan of them.

before surgery

We stayed home for Valentines day since Chaz was all banged up and had a nice little dinner just the 3 of us. I made homemade bread pudding, it was soo tasty. Chaz sent me these beautiful flowers, calla lily's were the flowers in my bouquet at our wedding!

Colton is able to sit up if I prop him up, I have to snap the photos fast because it's only a matter of time before he starts to lean and crash! On Valentines Day in his "i love mommy" shirt I was able to capture some adorable pictures of him. He is such a happy boy and in these pictures he seems so proud of him self!

I love this one of him, you can see his dimples! 

Colton has also started screaming just to hear his own voice, he was yelling all over CVS the other day and at the grocery store. He gets a lot of attention from EVERYONE when he does it but I find it hilarious. He screams, then looks around and smiles! This video is of him giggling and screaming, again I find it adorable, I hope it brings a smile to your face!

Have a great weekend!

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